Leonardo Vinci: Gismondo, re di Polonia
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The exclusive recording consists of 3 CDs and a booklet about the history behind Gismondo, re di Polonia, and a textbook.
Leonardo Vinci (1690 - 1730)
Gismondo, re di Polonia
Gismondo - Max Emanuel Cencic
Ottone - Yuriy Mynenko
Cunegonda - Sophie Junker
Primislao - Aleksandra Kubas -Kruk
Ernesto - Jake Arditti
Giuditta - Dilyara Idrisova
Ermano - Nicholas Tamagna
{oh!} Orkiestra Historyczna
Martyna Pastuszka
First performed at Rome’s Teatro delle Dame in 1727, Leonardo Vinci’s Gismondo, re di Polonia is a masterpiece that has all the qualifications for entry into the standard repertoire. Its libretto alone, with its family relationships full of Freudian complexes and occult practices, defies established opera seria conventions.
The plot revolves around an unpredictable despot, who pushes the world order to the brink of the abyss with policies that serve not the laws of reason and humanity but rather erratic impulses and superstitious rituals. Vinci’s scenes are reminiscent of therapy sessions. They accompany their heroes and heroines down into the dungeons of their souls and out onto Shakespearian battlefields where the living climb up out of mountains of corpses.
Vinci’s Gismondo is for the first time recorded on CD. This soul-searching work features Aleksandra Kubras-Kuk as the neurotic Primislao and Max Emanuel Cencic in the title role. The children fighting to restore order in the world of their fathers, which has sunk into chaos, are sung by Sophie Junker and Yuriy Mynenko.
Gismondo re di Polonia, opera by Leonardo Vinci Leonardo Vinci's dramma per musica Gismondo, Re di Polonia, was composed for Rome in 1727 and premiered there in Teatro delle Dame. It is based on a twenty year older libretto Il vincitor generoso that the Venetian Francesco Briani had written for composer Antonio Lotti. The Briani / Lotti community work was performed in early 1709 in honor of King Frederick IV. of Denmark in the then leading theatre of Venice, the San Giovanni Grisostomo. The libretto Vinci's Poland opera blasts conventional opera seria conventions with family constellations full of Freudian convulsions and occult practices. It is about an unpredictable ruler, who pushes the world order to the brink of the abyss with a policy that does not follow the rules of reason and service to man, but erratic impulses and superstitious rituals. Vinci's scenes reminiscent of therapy sessions. They accompany their heroines and heroes to the dungeons of the soul and on shakespeare battlefields, where the living rise from corpse mountains. Gismondo re di Polonia by Leonardo Vinci is a first recording and world premiere. Vincis Gismondo was rediscovered by countertenor Max Emanuel Cencic, and conductor Martyna Pastuszka and newly produced by Parnassus Art Productions in Vienna. Since 2018, the concertante performances in Vienna, Gliwitz, Moscow and Warsaw have celebrated triumphs. Parnassus has set itself the goal of bringing back to performance rare and unknown, historical opera works that have very often not been shown for centuries and to make these known to a wide audience via CD. Produced is the Gismondo, Re di Polonia CD by the label Parnassus Arts Productions and presents a high-profile cast with Max Emanuel Cencic as Gismondo, Yuriy Mynenko as Otone, Sophie Junker as Cunegonda, Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk as Primislao, Jake Arditti as Ernesto, Dily. ara ara Idrisova as Giuditta and Nicholas Tamagna as Ermano. The recording is accompanied by {oh!} Orkiestra Historyczna under the direction of Martina Pastuszka. Marcin wi tkiewicz plays at the harpsichord. A special thanks go to ukasz Strusi ski from the Adam Mickiewicz Institute for supporting this project. Parnassus Arts Productions Parnassus Arts Productions was created in 1999, first as a management and artist agency, later as a producer of opera productions, CD recordings, and concert tours, and from 2020 also as a CD label. Parnassus Arts Productions is dedicated to classical music, pursuing the goal of accompanying artists, bringing forgotten works back to the performance and, above all, to make them known to a wide audience by CD that pursues them with enormous enthusiasm. Our peculiarity consists in an artistic structure that gives us the opportunity to combine the experience of an opera singer with the expertise of a concert organizer. Parnassus Arts Productions combines an artistic direction of the highest level with the mentoring of works from start to finish, starting with the selection of artists to the recordings and iconography. Parnassus Arts Productions has self-produced a variety of award-winning CDs, opera productions, concert tours. CD recordings such as Faramondo, Artaserse (also available as DVD), Farnace, Mezzosoprano and Venezia with Max Emanuel Cencic were published at Virgin Classics, Siroe, Alessandro, Armino, Arie Napoletane and Porpora at Decca. Publications of our productions including the Deutsche Grammophon and Sony.